
The Role of DevOps in Modernization

In a new IOUG SELECT article, Eric Mader writes about the role of DevOps in development and operational modernization:

“Often misinterpreted as a buzzword endorsing development teams taking over platform and infrastructure roles, DevOps is all about development and operational modernization. Rather than operating as siloed, asynchronous teams as has been the norm for decades, DevOps represents a fundamental, holistic, organization-wide shift not only in processes and tools, but in people and culture.”

To access the full article, titled, “DevOps – It’s About Modernization,” go here.

This article is the fourth installment of a six-part series by editors of IOUG SELECT and DBTA on "DevOps and the Modern Enterprise."

To access article 1, go here.

To access article 2, go here

To access article 3, go here.  
