
Tutorial: How to Use Microsoft Excel with Oracle 11g OLAP Option Database for Ad Hoc Business Intelligence Analysis and Reporting

Simba Technologies Inc., a provider of standards-based data access products, solutions and services for both relational and multi-dimensional data sources, has announced that Oracle's Technology Network has released an Oracle By Example (OBE) tutorial covering how to use Microsoft Excel 2007 with Oracle 11g OLAP data for easy and powerful ad hoc query, analysis and reporting.  The direct Excel to Oracle connectivity is made possible by Simba's MDX Provider for Oracle OLAP data connectivity product.

According to Simba, the MDX Provider for Oracle OLAP allows users to use the ad hoc query and analysis capabilities of Microsoft Excel PivotTables and PivotCharts with their Oracle OLAP business intelligence data.  PivotTables provide cross-tab functionality to comprehensively present data in order to answer complex analytical questions, and PivotCharts provide visual insight and reporting in a dashboard-like manner.

Simba's MDX Provider for Oracle OLAP is a client-side driver that leverages Excel's strengths for ad hoc query and analysis, as well as new Excel 2007 functionality based upon the latest advances in the multi-dimensional query language data standard. The MDX Provider for Oracle OLAP natively connects Microsoft Excel with Oracle 11g OLAP Option, working seamlessly to parse and process multi-dimensional queries from Excel and integrate with Oracle OLAP via SQL/ODBC.

To view the tutorial, go here.

For more information about Simba's MDX Provider for Oracle OLAP, go here.
