
Unlocking Line-of-Business Content at Data Summit 2017

Enterprises are grappling with its business content sitting locked in disparate silos of unstructured data across many types of systems.

Jeff Fried, CTO at BA Insight, explained how to extract this content, structure it, correlate it, and use it to derive and publish insights during his presentation, titled “Big Data for Line-of-Business Content,” at Data Summit 2017.

Companies rarely tap into all of their data, with only a fraction of it ever being used, Fried explained.

“Integrated gaps impact performance,” Fried said. “The average $1 billion company runs over 48 silos.”

Line-of-business data tends to be very messy, with information coming from machines and people.

A “recipe” for harnessing LoB data:

  • Start with a target application- incorporate your business drivers
  • Connect to authoritative sources-develop a list, prioritize, and iterate
  • Create structure from human language using text analytics techniques
  • Deploy a polished, flexible UX-focus on users and use cases, don’t over-constrain it

“User experience is a discipline,” Fried said.

Making it easier for users to interact with a portal that shows scenarios, wireframes and prototypes, and architecture information along with combining a snappy visual design, eye catching colors, and a pleasing layout, is key in having users look forward to uncovering their data.

Many conference presentations have been made available by speakers at
