
Veza Identity Security Integration for GitHub Protects Source Code Data

Veza, the authorization platform for identity-first security, is launching an access permissions integration with GitHub to enhance security enterprise IP. Often targeted by threat actors, poor identity and access control can make organizational code vulnerable to malicious handling.

Access is everything; it is fundamental that the right people can access the right content whenever they need. When access control is flimsy, however, access to source code risks exposure to threat actors, allowing them to inject malicious code and farm it for customer data, credentials, and API keys.

Maintaining consistent and accurate access permissions across an organization is often a difficult process that remains in constant flux. Enterprise employees working in GitHub look for external contributors to alleviate this security pain, resulting in a multiplicity in identity providers—and therefore increased complexity.

The current estate of GitHub’s permissions management system piles onto this intricacy, typically being too complicated for its users to understand. Pair these factors with a growing number of contributors, and access control becomes a rather assailable part of an enterprise.

Veza’s integration with GitHub automatically detects excessive permissions to amend and begins the melioration process. Particularly for teams working on IAM, compliance, and security assurance, Veza can expedite access reviews and certifications with extensive automations.

“For many of our customers, GitHub repositories contain the crown jewels of the company, so we’re giving them the power to find and fix inappropriate access,” said Tarun Thakur, co-founder and CEO at Veza. “When threat actors are working every day to find vulnerabilities, it’s no longer an option to rely on quarterly access reviews. Veza makes it easy to achieve continuous compliance.”

“To secure our customers’ data and stay compliant with global regulations, it’s critical to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of our source code,” said Frank Dellé, head of global compliance at Nozomi Networks. “Veza enables us to monitor and enforce our access policies across GitHub and other data systems, allowing us to manage role-based access control at scale. With Veza, we can understand the combined effect of our access control layers to maintain least privilege."

To learn more about the Veza GitHub integration, please visit
