
Cross-Generational Q&A Series – Part 3: Hear from SHARE past president, Anne Caluori, on cross-generational work atmospheres

Cross-Generational Q&A Series – Part 3

Hear from SHARE past president, Anne Caluori, on cross-generational work atmospheres.

Having served as SHARE’s president in the mid-90s, Anne Caluori has become a well-established leader and veteran consultant in today’s workforce. With an advanced degree in organizational development and through her experiences in the industry, Caluori has developed a unique perspective on the crisscrossing generations in today’s society. She has experienced numerous working environments and coworkers from all different generations. In a recent Q&A with the President’s Corner, she shared her perspective on the wide array of generations in the workforce.

In our everyday positions and interactions we consistently communicate with people from numerous generations. Read the Cross-Generational Q&A Series – Part 3 to hear Caluori’s opinions and thoughts on the Traditionalists, Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y representatives in the workforce today. It’s not that it is uncommon for four generations to work cohesively together in the workplace but it’s the different approaches, attitudes and outlooks which make it most interesting. View the full discussion. 
