
Don’t Believe the Myth-information about the Mainframe: Part 3

Janet L. Sun, Immediate Past President, SHARE Inc. continues her discussion from Part 1  and Part 2  and answers the question “what do you lose by moving off the mainframe?”

Myths about the usability or viability of the mainframe should be ignored and the business drivers (cost, benefit, and risk) for considering switching technologies need to be carefully considered. Part 3 of the Don’t Believe the Myth-information about the Mainframe series focuses on the negatives of moving off of the mainframe. The main issues discussed are efficiency, security and reliability.  Essential reasons to consider the continued use of mainframes are discussed, such as the mainframe’s adaptability and support over time dating back to 1964 and their overall importance in the business world. 

Read Part 3 today.

If you enjoyed the “Don’t Believe the Myth-information about the Mainframe” blog series, check back soon at for a downloadable PDF.  
