
We've Only Just Begun: Year-Round Education, Mentoring and Leadership Opportunities with IOUG

IOUG's Director of Volunteer Engagement and Leadership Development Maria Anderson just posted a new entry to the IOUG blog as part of her continuing  IOUG Leadership Development for IT Series.

In it, she discusses the benefits of education, mentoring, and leadership and how they can help you identify new ways to get value out of engaging with the IOUG and take your career to the next level.

You can read Maria's full entry on the IOUG Blog, or read an excerpt below:

I am a total nerd.  As a kid, I loved school and, while I enjoyed hanging out with my friends during the summer, I secretly couldn't wait for school to start.  At this time of year, I feel nostalgic and often wish I was heading back to school.  All those nice new pens and scribblers . you can tell this was a time before everyone had a personal computer!  While returning to school full-time might not be possible (or practical), my nostalgia is abated somewhat by events such as Oracle OpenWorld and COLLABORATE. (continued on the IOUG Blog)

COLLABORATE 13 Call For Speakers- Thank You!
IOUG would like to thank everyone who submitted a session proposal (or two) for COLLABORATE 13
-IOUG Forum. The IOUG Conference Committee is currently reviewing all submissions, and notifications will be distributed the first week of December. Good luck!
