
Good Performance Management Reduces Costs, Minimizes Risk to Database

Performance bottlenecks have the potential to cripple an entire organization, spelling disaster for the enterprise, writes Quest Software's Ari Weil in the November issue of Database Trends and Applications. Much more than an inconvenience, Weil emphasizes that lengthy downtime caused by poor database performance interrupts business continuity and reduces end-user productivity, and can also cause a direct, negative impact on the organization's bottom line.

"The most common causes of performance bottlenecks include scalability issues, and the constant change and overwhelming explosion of data that take place in database environments daily," Weil notes. "Because the success of the business is tied to IT productivity and efficiency, it is imperative for IT to have a good performance management solution in place. DBAs must have the capability to proactively diagnose and resolve bottlenecks and other issues that threaten performance, but this is an extremely difficult task when they must use a manual process and do not have a clear view of the entire database environment." Continue reading here.

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