
What are the Advantages of IBM Power Systems for Your Business?

Technology never stands still, and neither does the business sector. When these two worlds collide, it is vital that you are aware of everything that is taking place to drive growth, innovation, and success.

These constant, rapid technological changes have led to businesses needing to repeatedly adapt to new and emerging ways of operating. More data is currently being processed by companies than ever before while there are a greater number of security threats that are becoming increasingly dangerous. All of this is coupled with the ever-present need for continued growth, improved performance capabilities, and more cost-efficient practices, leading to both large and small companies requiring better IT systems and services. One way to combat these issues is through the implementation of IBM Power Systems.

What is IBM Power Systems?

Essentially, IBM Power Systems is a family of powerful servers that can help alleviate any of the previously mentioned problems through enhanced core performance capabilities, improved bandwidth functionalities, and better security. These distinct advantages of IBM Power Systems, among others, have seen a wealth of organizations implementing it into their overall company structures.

To emphasize the level of importance that IBM Power Systems now has, four out of five companies listed on the Fortune 100 list, alongside countless other organizations, use it in regards to the day-to-day running of their business. Everyone from major global banking corporations and insurance providers to healthcare facilities rely on IBM Power Systems to meet the constantly increasing customer demands as well as the litany of growing cybersecurity threats out there.

IBM Power Systems Features

So why exactly is IBM Power Systems considered so advantageous for a wide array of organizations, and what are some of the IBM Power Systems features that make it so intrinsically useful?

  • Improved Intelligence Infrastructure. Built upon industry-leading technology that allows for a quicker, more efficient adoption of artificial intelligence as well as high-performance computing applications, IBM’s intelligent infrastructure has been built with both speed and scalability in mind. With the ability to evolve seamlessly to incorporate analytics and machine learning, IBM Power Systems puts your company in the best position possible to embrace modern developments such as AI.
  • Greater Processing Power. More intensive workloads that are increasingly complex require more efficient processing powers in order to manage them effectively. This is one of the main advantages of IBM Power Systems as the next-gen processing power it features allows it to handle growing workloads at a much faster speed than was previously possible.
  • Scalability and Flexibility. This level of processing power also helps deal with scalability. Since it is built to support big data and high-performance workloads, IBM Power Systems provides the potential for continued scalability as your company infrastructure needs to grow. Incorporating these systems into your everyday operations not only offers increased levels of flexibility but also helps future-proof your company, allowing for easy integration of IoT, AI, and Watson.
  • Security Benefits. IBM Power Systems already has an established security track record that greatly exceeds that of any other operating system found throughout the industry. In turn, this will prevent an overreliance on the need for patching at a later date and will ensure that everything conforms to the necessary legal requirements.

New Ways of Adapting Systems

As new technologies continue to emerge and evolve at an unprecedented rate, businesses need to find ways to adapt their systems. Workloads are becoming more complex with the continued growth of data sets, so the necessity for industries to adopt agile infrastructures and systems that incorporate new technologies has never been as important as it is today.

The advantages of IBM Power Systems are numerous and evolving, including:

  • A more intelligent infrastructure
  • Increased processing power
  • Improved scalability capabilities
  • Greater levels of flexibility
  • Industry-proven security

Delivering incredible levels of functionality that are supported by industry-leading reliability and security levels, IBM Power Systems has the capability to transform your business in new and exciting ways that would previously have not been possible. Discovering how it can help your business might just be the difference between your organization being able to adapt to this continually changing world, or being left behind by the competition.
