
2015 View from the Top: Kore


View from the Top byKen Dickinson, Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Imagine a world where all transactions are real-time. You go to the store, swipe your card and walk out with a new fishing rod—voilà, real-time! Not so fast—although your card may have been authorized in real-time, that transaction is batched, cleared, and funded long after you’re back home casting in the backyard. Let’s face it, the world is not real-time but asynchronous and the data is very redundant for good reason. Repudiation and reconciliation are two good reasons but more importantly for speed, or the illusion thereof. So everyone keeps a copy of your transaction in their system, then what do they do with it? Besides processing it through their main system, they want to analyze and share it with other systems too. That’s where Kore Technologies comes in.

Our Kourier Integrator ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) helps companies federate data from disparate data sources into one unified data warehouse for analytical purposes. Our solution is agnostic to the business intelligence reporting environment so companies are not limited in options.

Kourier Integrator EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) manages the necessary redundancy by allowing you to share data across the various sub-systems within the organization. Whether it is sharing financial data up to corporate systems on scheduled intervals or sharing data on-demand between your cloud-based CRM system and back-office ERP using our new RESTful Web Services capability, Kourier is a flexible toolset that can handle nearly any best-in-class integration project.

Integrating to an eCommerce solution? Hopefully it is our trend-setting KommerceServer eCommerce Suite, which includes a Storefront and Customer Portal solution designed for back-office integration and has a built-in Product Information Management (“PIM”) sys¬tem to manage content. Since there may be multiple data sources providing product content, Kourier Integrator is an ideal tool to federate the data into the PIM.

Kore Technologies
