
Product Spotlight: Pythian

PythianRon Kennedy,
Director of Product Management

Three Reasons to Offload Your Data to the Cloud

Because the success of today’s digitally-driven businesses is predicated on making use of large amounts of multisource data, the ability to scale both storage and processing power at low cost is always a top priority. Data offloading to the cloud removes the data storage and processing constraints that come with traditional in-house data centers, and puts big data and compute-intensive applications such as self-service analytics and IoT within reach for more companies.

Offloading data to the cloud offers a number of benefits:

1. Extends the life of your data warehouse and reduces costs: The scalability offered by cloud platforms delivers the subscription-based, pay-as-you-go model that organizations find so attractive. Offloading archival, aging or infrequently used data or log files to the cloud reduces the operational costs of keeping that data on premise, particularly as new data is ingested to your business-critical, on-premise data warehouse.

2. Optimizes data warehouse performance: Because both storage and processing is cheaper on the cloud, offloading legacy data, along with compute-intensive operations, helps you optimize both performance and storage on your on-premise
data warehouse.

3. Enables big data and self-service analytics: Migrating your data warehouse to the cloud is a cost-effective way to add capacity and analytic capabilities. A cloud platform can allow you to scale the number of users and interfaces quickly and easily. It allows technical and business users to take advantage of new visualization and self service capabilities. It lets them run reports and query data in unique ways so they can derive more valuable and actionable insights.


Whether you’ve already offloaded data to the cloud, are planning to do so, or simply have questions, Pythian can help. Our cloud teams combine more than 215 years’ experience and have multiple certifications in advanced technologies and public cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

