View from the Top by Paul Czarnik, Compuware Chief Technology Officer
You can’t hide from complexity. It’s everywhere—from new technologies and rapidly evolving consumer expectations, to the shifting role IT plays in every business.
Every company must become a technology company whether they’re prepared to or not. Compuware, the Technology Performance Company, has spent four decades helping companies face, understand, and tame the problems inherent in an ever-shifting business and technology landscape.
Today this landscape is undergoing seismic changes, creating a “New Normal” for IT where:
• Companies must engage with consumers using technology.
• Your customers and employees have significantly more power and influence over your technology strategy.
• IT is no longer a back-end issue—the business expects IT to drive revenue.
With so much riding on technology, it needs to be dependable. It needs to perform. But faced with disparate yet connected systems, a mobile workforce, big data, social media, a growing number of suppliers and other complexities, how do you ensure performance? Here’s what we know:
IT needs to stop dealing with new technologies in silos and establish a holistic technology performance strategy.
Compuware has a track record of perfecting revolutionary technologies, putting the pieces of the IT puzzle together seamlessly, and allowing organizations to find opportunity in challenging environments. But here’s the real news: We’re not just helping them find and resolve problems; we’re already working on the “Next Normal” to help them predict problems before they occur.
You can see an example at www.outageanalyzer.com, a service that illustrates the power of big data to answer questions that shape your business.
That’s performance your users can count on, and performance your business can take to the bank.
Find out more at compuware.com/NewNormal