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Five Minute Briefing - Data Center
February 13, 2023

Five Minute Briefing - Data Center: February 13, 2023. Published in conjunction with SHARE Inc., a bi-weekly report geared to the needs of data center professionals.

News Flashes

Arrcus, the hyperscale networking software company and a leader in core, edge, and multi-cloud network infrastructure, announced the close of a fresh financing round that brings $50 million in total capital raised since the last venture financing round. The new funds will be used to grow Arrcus' global go-to-market presence, in addition to strengthening engineering and R&D talent.

IBM is acquiring StepZen Inc, developer of a GraphQL server with a unique architecture that helps developers build GraphQL APIs quickly and with less code. The acquisition of StepZen's innovative technology for GraphQL API creation complements the innovations IBM is driving in API Connect to enable businesses to build better digital experiences for their clients, according to IBM.

IBM and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center announced a collaboration to use IBM's artificial intelligence (AI) technology to discover new insights in NASA's massive trove of Earth and geospatial science data. The joint work will apply AI foundation model technology to NASA's Earth-observing satellite data for the first time.

SAP and Red Hat, Inc., a provider of open source solutions, is expanding their partnership to significantly increase SAP's use of and support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. This collaboration aims to enhance intelligent business operations, support cloud transformation across industries, and drive holistic IT innovation, according to the vendors.

News From SHARE

Atlanta is one of the key cities in the civil rights movement and the birthplace of Martin Luther King, Jr., and it easily attracts diverse talent. More recently, the city has expanded into new business areas, including cyber security and fintech.

Think About It

In 2023, companies will live and die by their data strategies. Massive increases in information generation, the cloud, and innovative technologies will be top of mind for database managers, all while an uncertain economy continually threatens budgets. For companies to build and maintain exciting applications that customers love while increasing the bottom line, they need to plan, adapt, and execute effective strategies for their data and databases.
