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Five Minute Briefing - Information Management
September 8, 2023

Five Minute Briefing - Information Management: September 8, 2023. A concise weekly report with key product news, market research and insight for data management professionals and IT executives.

News Flashes

EnterpriseDB, the leader in accelerating Postgres in the enterprise, is launching the availability of its Trusted Postgres Architect (TPA) as an open source tool for all PostgreSQL users. Engineered for simple, repeatable, and robust deployment and configuration of high availability (HA) Postgres clusters, TPA saves time for organizations while simultaneously mitigating against potential errors.

What are the key pain points that produce slow time to value with today's geospatial data technology implementations? Foursquare SVP of engineering Ankit Patel explained how to utilize geospatial data effectively during his presentation at Data Summit 2023.

InfluxData, the creator of the time series platform InfluxDB, is unveiling InfluxDB Clustered, the self-managed iteration of the company's time series database for on-premises or private cloud deployments.
