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Five Minute Briefing - MultiValue
December 15, 2021

A comprehensive monthly publication filled with news and insight serving the MultiValue database community.

News Flashes

Entrinsik, Inc., a provider of intuitive business intelligence, is rebranding the embedded business intelligence division, expanding the way that developers can implement analytics and visuals into their products while providing a faster path to market. This rebrand is a commitment to solidify Entrinsik's stance, offering, and direction in the market, according to the vendor.

The importance of leveraging data quickly and effectively is a message that has come through loud and clear in recent years—and with increasing intensity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, each year, DBTA presents a list of Trend-Setting Products. These products, platforms, and services range from long-established offerings that are evolving to meet the needs of their loyal constituents to breakthrough technologies that may only be in the early stages of adoption.

Rocket Software is launching the Rocket MultiValue Performance Experience (MVX: Performance), a free active system monitoring tool for Rocket UniVerse customers with active maintenance contracts. MVX: Performance is a system monitoring tool providing users with deep insights within Rocket UniVerse.

Think About It

The past 2 years have been defining ones for enterprises seeking to become data-driven. There have been changes wrought by COVID-19, of course, but, even before the pandemic, companies were already on a path to better leverage the data that was streaming in from all corners of their orga­nizations. With this heightened focus, new roles have been emerging for the caretakers of data, including database administrators, data engineers, data analysts, data scientists, and developers.
