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April 2017 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Today's enterprise database environments are growing in size and complexity, fueled by rising data volumes and new business demands. Many databases that have been at the heart of existing enterprises to power mission-critical applications are now being positioned to support new Digital Native businesses. As a result, 24x7 high availability is no longer a luxury for select applications; it's a necessity for the bulk of the business—many organizations can no longer afford downtime in their data environments—even for a minute.

One of the significant changes enterprises should expect to gain speed this year is the expanding role of business users in IT. Fences around the IT landscape are slowly coming down and business users are playing an active part in the digital transformation. It's uncharted territory, driving an increased demand for information governance initiatives to help companies use data to navigate the transformation. Here are trends to watch as data and business users' roles evolve within IT and across the enterprise.

As mobile has pushed deeper into enterprises, there is a growing recognition that it may be possible to run significant parts of businesses from relatively small devices. While mobile devices may not be ready to run entire enterprises, in many cases, they certainly can run more limited functions.
