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August 2013 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

There may be no more commonly used term in today's IT conversations than "big data." There also may be no more commonly misused term. Here's a look at the truth behind the five most common big data myths, including the misguided but almost universally accepted notion that big data applies only to large organizations dealing with great volumes of data.

SAP AG introduced new high availability and disaster recovery functionality with SAP Sybase Replication Server for SAP Business Suite software running on SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP Sybase ASE). "After only a year and a quarter supporting the Business Suite, ASE has already garnered about 2,000 customer installations. This easily provides that near zero-downtime for HA/DR that is non-intrusive to the system using Replication Server as the key enabling technology," said Dan Lahl, vice president, Database Product Marketing, SAP, in an interview.

Big Data Analytics: Unleashing the Power of Hadoop

DBTA Webcast: Overcoming Big Data Integration Challenges - Thursday, August 29

IBM announced its new zEnterprise BC12 (zBC12) mainframe, designed for enhanced analytics, cloud, and mobile computing. Priced at $75,000 for the base model, IBM says it is targeting smaller organizations. The computer giant says it is also adding new industry solutions and software and operating systems across its zEnterprise portfolio, designed for financial services and government operations.

Progress Software announced availability of new data connectivity and application capabilities as part of its Progress Pacific application platform-as-a-service (aPaaS) for building and managing business applications on any cloud, mobile or social platform. "Pacific is a platform running in the cloud that is targeted at small and medium-size businesses, ISVs and departmental IT," John Goodson, chief product officer at Progress Software, explained in an interview. Instead of requiring a highly trained IT staff to build applications, Goodson says, the platform provides a visual design paradigm that allows users with limited skills to build powerful applications that can quickly connect to any data sources.
