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August 2014 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

2014 is turning out to be a banner year for Hadoop. The big data giant is continuing to move forward and expand and evolve as big data technology and big data analytics become more mainstream. Here are six key points that demonstrate the advances being made.

The overwhelming movement to cloud computing and big data is creating compelling efficiencies for businesses. However, this growing revolution is also introducing previously unseen levels of complexity for IT managers.In order to solve the problem of big data and cloud architectures that don't fit into traditional IT frameworks—and unlock their potential rewards—entirely new technologies are needed.

Many data integration use cases only require simple transformations—and others don't require any transformations at all. For these scenarios, traditional ETL tools are overly complicated and can't deliver data updates as rapidly as business users need. The priority isn't on the T, but rather on the L—expediting data delivery—so users have fresh, accurate data to make business decisions.

Managing business-critical databases is no easy task even for experienced DBAs, so for IT pros who might be new to the role—and likely already wear multiple other hats within their organization—it can be a challenging endeavor to say the least. Here are the 5 key areas that IT pros who have found themselves in the position of accidental DBAs should focus on.

Just months after the massive data breaches of the 2013 holiday season, a newly discovered data breach is again shining a spotlight on the need for better enterprise data security and the fact that not enough is being done to secure critical customer data. The most recent headlines involve a Russian crime ring and 1.2 billion user names and passwords as well as at least 500 million email addresses. Against this backdrop, Oracle announced Oracle Key Vault, a software appliance designed to securely manage encryption keys and credential files in the enterprise data center.

Scientists from IBM, AT&T, and Applied Communication Sciences (ACS) have announced a proof-of-concept for technology that reduces set-up times for cloud-to-cloud connectivity from days to seconds."This technology not only represents a new ability to scale big data workloads and cloud computing resources in a single environment but the elastic bandwidth model removes the inefficiency in consumption versus cost for cloud-to-cloud connectivity," said Douglas Freimuth, IBM Research senior technical staff member and master inventor.
