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February 2012

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Trends and Applications

The Advantages of Using Structured Data for E-Discovery

Today's organizations must capture, track, analyze and store more information than ever before - everything from mass quantities of transactional, online and mobile data, to growing amounts of "machine-generated data" such as call detail records, gaming data or sensor readings. And just as volumes are expanding into the tens of terabytes, and even the petabyte range and beyond, IT departments are facing increasing demands for real-time analytics. In this era of "big data," the challenges are as varied as the solutions available to address them. How can businesses store all their data? How can they mitigate the impact of data overload on application performance, speed and reliability? How can they manage and analyze large data sets both efficiently and cost effectively?

Columns - Notes on NoSQL

In years to come, we might remember October 2011 as the month the big database vendors gave in to the dark side and embraced Hadoop. In October, both Microsoft and Oracle announced product offerings which included and embraced Hadoop as the enabler of their "big data" solution. The last of the big three database vendors - IBM - embraced Hadoop back in 2010.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Lectures related to master data bring forth all sorts of taxonomies intended to help clarify master data and its place within an organization. Sliding scales may be presented: at the top, not master data; at the bottom, very much master data; in the middle, increasing degrees of "master data-ness." For the longest of times everyone thought metadata was confusing enough ... oops, we've done it again. And, we have accomplished the establishment of this master data semantic monster in quite a grand fashion.

Columns - DBA Corner

Many types of data change over time, and different users and applications have requirements to access data at different points in time. A traditional DBMS stores data that is implied to be valid at the current point-in-time, it does not track the past or future states of the data. For some, the current, up-to-date values for the data are sufficient. But for others, accessing earlier versions of the data is needed. Temporal support makes it possible to store different database states and to query the data "as of" those different states.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

2011 in Review: NoSQL Sturm und Drang, While Relational DBs Hibernate

MV Community

Entrinsik's 2012 Informer conference (ICON) will be held March 4-6 at the Raleigh Marriott City Center in Raleigh, NC. This year's agenda will include breakout sessions with members of the Informer product development team, panel discussions on best practices and methodologies, and customer-led use cases demonstrating how Informer is being deployed by customers.

InterSystems Corporation, a provider of advanced database, integration and analytics technologies, announced it has become ISO 9001:2008 certified. ISO 9001:2008 is a quality management standard, and for InterSystems, the certification covers all processes related to the product and service creation associated with the InterSystems CACHÉ high-performance database and InterSystems Ensemble integration and development platform that are performed or managed from InterSystems' Cambridge-based headquarters.
