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February 2014 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) and IBM have launched a Big Data Survey to provide a timely analysis of the key technologies, practices and strategies that businesses across different industries are using to improve confidence in their decision making. Respond with a completed survey by March 2nd, 2014, in order to be included in a drawing to win one of three $200 American Express gift cards to be awarded at the conclusion of the study.

The newest version of DataStax's eponymously named enterprise database platform adds a new in-memory option as well as enterprise search enhancements to support high performance. Along with the latest release of its enterprise NoSQL database, DataStax has also introduced version 4.1 of DataStax OpsCenter which supplies improved capacity management capabilities and visual monitoring of production database clusters.

In many ways, IT protection is like a game of poker. There are two things you need to win: a strong ability to play and the best hand you can get. With the former, a lot of it comes down to knowing what not to do.

The Data Warehouse's New Role in the Big Data Revolution

While minimizing risk is important for financial services organizations, companies need to think beyond fraud detection and understand the wider benefits predictive analytics can provide in terms of better customer experience, driving opportunities and increasing revenue in a highly competitive market. Among other uses, a comprehensive customer database, combined with advanced analytics, will allow organizations to spot trends, identify cohorts, and micro-target discrete populations.
