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February 2015 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Software-defined technologies and software-defined data centers (SDDCs) are generating significant traction in the IT community, and many organizations recognize the potential operational benefits to be had by software-defining their own IT infrastructure. What most do not realize, however, is that SDDC is not achieved by simply bolting together virtualization, software-defined networking (SDN), and software-defined storage (SDS).

Enterprise data security has become not only a major focus of attention in the tech industry, but has also become a concern for the mainstream public. With the steady stream of data breaches at companies such as the retail giant Target, the tech and media leader Sony, and most recently medical insurer Anthem, Inc., many organizations are now beginning to appreciate the importance of data security and just how much a financial toll a hack can cause. According to many executives, a turning point has been reached.
