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February 2018

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Trends and Applications

Citizen Developers Are Encouraged and Are Delivering Value

An astounding array of new technologies and approaches have emerged on the database scene over the past few years that promise to turn the next 12 months into a time of unprecedented transformation for the database landscape. There are new developments, along with reinforcement of tried-and-true technologies, some of which may help make the jobs of data managers just a bit easier.

As we get deeper into winter, temperatures may be dropping, but data science in the enterprise will remain red hot as more organizations look to harness the power of data. Data science gives organizations the insights needed to improve business outcomes across industries. With "data scientist" topping the list of best jobs in the U.S. and the number of data science positions skyrocketing,  every company needs to get onboard the data train or risk getting run over by the competition. In particular, there are a few industries that are turning up the heat on data science in the coming year: aviation, cybersecurity, law enforcement, retail, and human resources. An eclectic list for sure, but all areas that are ripe for data science. 

Large enterprises are facing a debt crisis. Not financial debt, but "data debt." It's a form of technical debt, and it can hamstring an organization's capacity to tackle new challenges and stifle its ability to innovate. For most large enterprises, the root of this problem lies in years of treating the data generated by their operational systems as a form of exhaust rather than as a fuel to deliver great services, build better products, and create competitive advantage.

Download any app onto a smartphone these days and you'll be prompted by the same question: Do you want to turn location services on? For consumers, letting Google Maps or Waze know exactly where you are is a must — it's the essence of why those apps exist. But have you ever wondered why other types of businesses, from grocery stores to social media platforms, want to know where their patrons are at all times?

Columns - Database Elaborations

Far too often, business users seem consumed by the systems they handle. This makes them unable to define the necessary business processes or needs of the organization. All these users can do is describe what their off-the-shelf packages provide for them. In fact, most users take great pride in their "understanding" of the current system. 

Columns - DBA Corner

The term "big data" has been bandied about for a number of years now, to the point where it has been used so much that it is a part of IT culture. Hard to specifically define, yet everyone seems to have a good idea what is meant by it, big data is here to stay. And that is a good thing!

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

As the president of the Independent Oracle Users Group I often get asked for advice about which Oracle event to attend—COLLABORATE or Oracle OpenWorld. Sometimes it's just, "What is COLLABORATE?" or even, "Isn't COLLABORATE just a mini Oracle OpenWorld?" These two events are very different, and, depending on your role, one may be better for you than the other.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

The SQL Server Vulnerability Assessment tool (VA) is a feature within SQL Server Management Server (SSMS) 17.4 that scans your SQL Server instances of version 2012 and later, identifies security issues, and suggests fixes to the vulnerabilities it finds. It works for on-premises SQL Server and Azure SQL Database, whether housed on physical or virtual servers.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

The Bitcoin bubble is a mixed bag for blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. While the incredible increase in Bitcoin's valuation has resulted in a huge windfall for early adopters and enhanced the recognition of blockchain technology, it has also highlighted the volatility of Bitcoin as a currency and the limitations of the underlying blockchain network.

MV Community

Based in Saddlebrook, N.J., Riverside Cemetery maintains public records for burials, private records on families, maintains billing, and oversees all the work done to burial plots in addition to taking care of monuments and records relating to them, and other tasks associated with running the business. The 1980s brought dramatic changes to Riverside. This technological transition in 1980 was aided by WinWin Solutions, parent company of Revelation Software. Initially using Revelation Software's DOS-based Advanced Revelation, and then migrating to the Windows-based OpenInsight platform, Riverside has evolved technologically while remaining a traditional cemetery serving the community with warmth, compassion, and professionalism.
