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February 2021

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Trends and Applications

One of the most momentous movements reshaping the data technology space in recent years is the push to real-time capabilities. The ability of systems to read and react to situations as they happen is the most compelling competitive advantage of the digital era.

The worldwide cloud services market is forecast to grow more than 6% this year to a total of $257.9 billion, with software-as-a-service (SaaS) remaining the largest segment at $104.7 billion. Furthermore, more than $1.3 trillion in IT spending will be directly or indirectly affected by the shift to the cloud by 2022. In this environment, what must an organization keep in mind to ensure a successful cloud migration?

Today's organizations often have more information at their disposal than they know what to do with. From products and apps to processes, departments, data, and more, there's so much that should be considered every time a business takes on a new change project, considers a new solution, or begins a major digital transformation. Before organizations embark on any of those journeys, they must understand how to get from their current state to where they ultimately want to end up.

Columns - Database Elaborations

The data lakehouse is a merging of the organization's data lake and data warehouse into one platform, eliminating data redundancy and loss of time moving data around from one place to another. Is this newest data savior really better than all the data saviors of the past?

Columns - DBA Corner

If you happen to be a fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus, then you probably recognize the line "None shall pass" in the title of this month's column. It is the unchanging exclamation of the Black Knight in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He just stands there trying to block everyone who attempts to go past him—even after a better swordsman has cut off his arms and legs. I'm sure that some of the application developers reading this can relate to this story, replacing the knight with their "favorite" DBA.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

While DBAs are highly skilled at the technical aspects of their jobs, there are important non-technical capabilities that they should also master. Here are 10 things that all DBAs need to do to excel in their roles and that have nothing to do with databases.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

DBAs and data management teams have long struggled with supporting data governance functions. Naturally, a well-managed organization wants to extract maximum value from their data assets. But that is incredibly difficult for companies whose data assets were created over a period of years or decades without an integrated, top-down data architecture.As these data management systems grow organically over time and as new data management systems are added, users of corporate data resources face a variety of challenges.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Slow is the new broke. But things don't have to be slow to be broke. A poor user experience with your online ordering system will hurt your bottom line.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

If you want to find out what will be mainstream tomorrow, look at what developers are using today. Developers typically embrace new technologies years before they hit the data center. As technology continues to power competitive advantage, developers are increasingly in the driver's seat when it comes to enterprise technology strategy.

MV Community

With the shift to remote work, companies have had to implement adjustments to their operational strategies, including increasing security, tapping into the cloud, and more. Last year was a time of fast-moving transformation. In 2021, the pace of change shows no sign of slowing down in the MultiValue markeet segment.
