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Trends and Applications

New and emerging vendors offer fresh ways of dealing with data management and analytics challenges in areas such as data as a service, security as a service, cloud in a box, and data visualization. Here, DBTA looks at the 10 companies whose approaches we think are worth watching.

Gone are the days of 2-year software development projects. Now organizations are striving for code updates that drop monthly, weekly, even daily. A developer will say, "I need a workable copy of Oracle today." And IT responds, "OK, we'll have that in about 2 weeks." What's a developer to do? Sometimes this leads to the use of synthetic datasets (one might also refer to this simply as "fake data"). These never work as well as real data, and the result is more bugs and slower software development. Other times the Dev/Test side of the house will expense spinning up a bunch of systems in the cloud, so-called "shadow IT."

"Platforms" are all the rage in software positioning and messaging. And recently, a new platform has become the "platform du jour" - driven by the urgency felt by enterprises as they struggle to manage an increasing amount of data and an increasing number of data formats all generated from an increasingly number of applications on an increasingly diverse mix of infrastructure - the "data platform."
