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January 2012 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Businesses are struggling to cope with and leverage an explosion of complex and connected data. This need is driving many companies to adopt scalable, high performance NoSQL databases - a new breed of database solutions - in order to expand and enhance their data management strategies. Traditional "relational" databases will not be able to keep pace with "big data" demands as they were not designed to manage the types of relationships that are so essential in today's applications.

The Oracle Big Data Appliance, an engineered system of hardware and software that was first unveiled at Oracle OpenWorld in October, is now generally available. The new system incorporates Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH3) with Cloudera Manager 3.7, plus an open source distribution of R. The Oracle Big Data Appliance represents "two industry leaders coming together to wrap their arms around all things big data," says Cloudera COO Kirk Dunn.

RainStor, a provider of big data management software, has unveiled the RainStor Big Data Analytics on Hadoop, which the company describes as the first enterprise database running natively on Hadoop. It is intended to enable faster analytics on multi-structured data without the need to move data out of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) environment. There is architectural compatibility with the way Rainstor manages data and the way Hadoop Distributed File Systems manage CSV files, says Deirdre Mahon, vice president of marketing at Rainstor.

Tableau Software, a provider of business intelligence software, has announced the general availability of Tableau 7.0. The release offers improvements in performance and scalability, adds new visualization types and improves the product's overall analytical power and ease-of-use. In addition, the new Tableau Data Server capabilities will make it easy to share large volumes of data, share data models in large groups, and provide enhanced management of data assets, says Chris Stolte, chief development officer, co-founder, and inventor of Tableau Software.
