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January 2014

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Trends and Applications

Big Data: The Battle Over Persistence and the Race for Access Hill

Before standardizing on a specific master data management (MDM) solution for your IT infrastructure, take the time to look under the hood to make sure the MDM platform is capable of keeping up with your business and providing long-term value. By understanding the advantages of today's MDM technology, and focusing on key and often-overlooked technical functionality, you may just find that you are in fact the unsung hero.

Software-defined networking (SDN) is IT's new black, displacing cloud as the technology darling du jour. But while all the focus on the network layers is ultimately good for applications—after all, an optimized network is critical for applications today—SDN does not address challenges in the application layers that are just as key to ensuring performance, security, and availability of applications in the data center and into the cloud.

Columns - Applications Insight

New devices promise to open up ways for us to improve our mental functioning and perhaps to further revolutionize social networking and big data. A world in which Facebook "likes" are generated automatically might not be far off, and mining the big data generated from our own brains has some amazing - though sometimes creepy - implications.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Changes and enhancement to solutions are hard, even under the best of circumstances. It is not usual that, as operational changes roll out into production, the business intelligence area is left uninformed, suggesting that data warehouses and business intelligence be categorized according to the view of the old comedian Rodney Dangerfield because they both "get no respect."

Columns - DBA Corner

2013 saw its fair share of important data-related acquisitions. Key players like Oracle, IBM and SAP were all busy with data-related acquisitions. Last year also saw the announcement and release of a lot of great new DBMS technology, too. Let's look back over the most significant data and database-related events of the previous year.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

You'd have to be living under a rock not to have heard about the growth and uptake of cloud computing. Most enterprises are still exploring cloud computing for their relational databases, but there is no doubt that cloud computing is growing due its many benefits. Here's a look at what SQL Server 2014 will do for you with regard to business cloud computing.

MV Community

In response to the growing demand for MultiValue data in the cloud, Mark Pick launched Pick Cloud, Inc. in November 2012. Recently, Mark Pick, president and CEO of Pick Cloud, reflected on the reaction to the new company and changing MultiValue market dynamics.

Revelation Software is moving forward with the next major release of OpenInsight, Revelation's flagship database development suite. Revelation Software continues development on the next major release of OpenInsight, Revelation's flagship database development suite. Revelation's Robert Catalano talks about what can be expected in the new release.
