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January 2020

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Trends and Applications

One of the great challenges with catastrophic events is that they can come from any number of sources, so business owners must make sure they're prepared for all types of disasters. Preparation is the only way to avert disasters and ensure your operations will continue without significant disruption.

Data is the lifeblood of all organizations in today's era of digital business transformation. Because it is, the corporate spotlight is especially bright on DBAs who are tasked with ensuring users and applications always have access to the data on which they depend. Considering the hit to a company's bottom line, and potentially to its reputation in the market, when infrastructure and information becomes unavailable, it's easy to see how important it is for these DBAs to have access to the highest-quality, expert technical support professional when help is needed.

Columns - Database Elaborations

When applied implementation efforts are not efficient, more often than not, the inefficiencies are due to the interference of an imp known as "churn," i.e., implementation wheels spinning away and not actually making progress. Churn is bad. Churn is one of the most destructive circumstances for any IT project. Churn may raise its ugly head at any point where a project requirement or need is left unclear.

Columns - DBA Corner

Application developers typically do not spend a lot of time on optimizing performance. Their focus is on writing code that matches the project specifications and delivers the expected results. So, it makes sense that SQL performance testing should be conducted on all programs before they are migrated to a production environment, or you will likely experience performance problems

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

A New Chapter of Business Intelligence Begins with Azure Synapse

Columns - MongoDB Matters

When I was a young man—a long, long time ago now—I worked as an Oracle DBA (Oracle version 6, if you must know). I remember my astonishment at finding out that information in the database was stored in plain text within the database files. That meant if I could gain read access just to those files, I could read all the information in the database. It didn't matter what security controls I, as the DBA implemented at the database level—an attacker who could gain read access to the files on disk could read everything.

MV Community

With the closing of one year comes another and this time a whole new decade awaits. Every year Database Trends and Applications magazine looks for offerings that promise to help organizations derive greater benefit from their data, make decisions faster, and do so with higher levels of security. Key data management trends have emerged that are shaping the capabilities of IT products and services for 2020 and beyond.

Rocket Software is looking ahead to the future and with it, Andy Youniss, president and CEO of Rocket, says he sees there is room to grow. "The things MV did 30 years ago still function today," he said. "What's important to customers and partners is they know Rocket will continue to innovate to deliver modern technology that customers deserve and demand."
