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January 2022

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Trends and Applications

Today, businesses want data to help them get deep, dynamic, and even real-time insights into their customers, markets, and supply chains, often via machine learning models. They want to make better predictions both of day-to-day realities and longer-term trends. They want data to help them create better, unique experiences for their customers. And they need fast access to data to support the rapid innovation that will let them thrive in the new hyper-competitive environment. Businesses can no longer afford to wait for the old data mills' wheels to turn.

The pandemic of the past 2 years has proven to be a significant disruptor, bringing to light the many flaws in cybercrime preparedness across several industries. However, opportunity exists for government and business leaders to repair the cracks and prepare for the future. Underpinning good automation with best practices will ensure that organizations are set up for success against future attacks.

The internet and IoT benefit from AI, and AI is quickly shaping the world around us and becoming increasingly important within business operations. In fact, research by Deloitte shows that 73% of IT and line-of-business executives view AI as an indispensable part of their current business. It's clear to see that there is great potential for AI in virtually all areas of our lives. However, AI systems can only ever be as powerful as the information they are built on. Huge quantities of very specific data is needed to effectively train systems in the right way. Here, we'll explore the key points behind the data required and how it is being sourced.

Database management system (DBMS) configuration tuning is an essential aspect of any data-intensive application effort. But it is historically difficult because DBMSs have hundreds of configuration "knobs" that control everything in the system, such as the amount of memory to use for caches and how often the DBMS writes data to storage.

In the database world, as well as elsewhere, high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) are sometimes confused—or even considered to be the same thing. HA is the ability of a database and its associated services to operate continuously without failing and to deliver an agreed service level (SLA) of operational uptime, whereas DR is the ability to recover data/databases and maintain/regain services after an outage event, or a natural or manmade catastrophe. Ensuring just one or the other does not equate to cyber-resilience. You really must have both.

Hazelcast provides a streaming and memory-first application platform for stateful, data-intensive workloads on-prem, at the edge, or as a fully managed cloud service. The company recently  announced version 5.0 of the Hazelcast Platform in which the Hazelcast IMDG and Hazelcast Jet products have been merged into a single product to not only simplify the development of applications using Hazelcast but also put more focus on developing real-time applications that will engage with end users in new ways. Hazelcast CEO Kelly Herrell shared more information about the new release as well as the company's future road map.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Dealing with data warehouses, data marts, and even data lakes, can be awkward in an agile environment. While adding a single metric onto a dashboard can be very natural, no one builds a dimension table a few columns at a time. This awkwardness has caused many variants in how an agile methodology might be applied to one's analytics databases.

Columns - DBA Corner

The DBA should be an advisor to the business in terms of the types of database security that can be enabled. At a high level, this boils down to being able to answer four questions.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

The design of a schema in MongoDB is just as important as it is in RDBMS.  Indeed, schema design can be even more complicated in MongoDB. At least in SQL databases, we have the "first normal form" representing the starting point for a well-designed first cut data model. In MongoDB, we have more choices, but as a consequence, we have more potential pitfalls.

MV Community

Entrinsik, Inc., a provider of intuitive business intelligence, is rebranding the embedded business intelligence division, expanding the way that developers can implement analytics and visuals into their products while providing a faster path to market. This rebrand is a commitment to solidify Entrinsik's stance, offering, and direction in the market, according to the vendor.

The importance of leveraging data quickly and effectively is a message that has come through loud and clear in recent years—and with increasing intensity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To help make the process of identifying useful products and services easier, each year, DBTA presents a list of Trend-Setting Products. These products, platforms, and services range from long-established offerings that are evolving to meet the needs of their loyal constituents to breakthrough technologies that may only be in the early stages of adoption.

Rocket Software is launching the Rocket MultiValue Performance Experience (MVX: Performance), a free active system monitoring tool for Rocket UniVerse customers with active maintenance contracts. MVX: Performance is a system monitoring tool providing users with deep insights within Rocket UniVerse.
