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July 2016

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Trends and Applications

Dell Software Acquisition Set to Close Late in Dell's FY17

When it comes to assigning value to different components in today's IT environment, it would be a serious mistake to underestimate the value of data and databases. Whether you are looking to reduce downtime and speed up your database-centric application or to save money and time on optimizing your database servers, the following best practices can help you improve the performance of your SQL Server environment and, ultimately, your business service delivery process.

Organizations have directed a lot of attention recently to consolidation, automation, and cloud efforts in their data management environments. This will purportedly result in decreased demand for data managers and the need for fewer DBAs per groups of databases. However, the opposite seems to be occurring. In actuality, there is a growing need for more talent, as well as expertise to manage through growing complexity. A new survey, sponsored by Idera and conducted by Unisphere Research among more than 300 data executives, managers, and professionals finds that a more challenging data environment is arising due to a confluence of factors.

NoSQL database systems are designed to store data differently than relational database systems. NoSQL databases are known for their fast storage of a range of data types. However, when evaluating different systems it is important to understand the performance over time. Databases are meant to remain active over long periods of time as more data is stored. Organizations and business are increasingly sensitive to customer expectations, and predictable performance of their database is critical.

Columns - Applications Insight

By the mid-2000s, a huge number of web apps were built upon the so-called LAMP stack. LAMP applications utilize the Linux operating system, Apache web server and MySQL database server, and implement application logic in PHP or another language starting with the letter "P," such as Python or Perl. But the LAMP stack is now essentially obsolete technology, and the MEAN stack provides a lot of productivity advantages, especially for modern highly-interactive web sites. But the MEAN stack is not without compromise. Here's why.

Columns - Database Elaborations

In the data warehousing arena, development databases often get short shrift. Frequently, this situation arises because development databases are considered too much work to be done properly. So, instead of embracing the problem and following through on the necessary work, it is ignored or done poorly. One could almost say that ignoring the development database has become the standard practice.

Columns - DBA Corner

Database administration is undergoing some significant changes these days. The DBA, traditionally, is the technician responsible for ensuring the ongoing operational functionality and efficiency of an organization's databases and the applications that access that data. But modern DBAs are relied upon to do far more than just stoke the fires to keep database systems performing

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

There's a new buzzword on the loose, the data lake. At first glance, a data lake could be easily mistaken for a data warehouse. The two big data concepts have a common focus on analytics and they may, in certain situations, produce roughly equivalent output. But that's about where their similarities end.

MV Community

Entrinsik has announced that SMC Electric Supply (SMC) has deployed its Informer reporting and business intelligence software to uncover data and manage it effectively. SMC, a private, family-owned corporation headquartered in Springfield, Missouri, distributes the automation, data communications, electrical, industrial, pneumatics, safety, and security products used in machine building and manufacturing facilities.
