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June 2013 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Four Trends Reshaping the Business Intelligence Landscape in 2013

Virtualized Databases: Striking the Right Balance between Solid State Technologies and Spinning Disks

IBM recently laid out a set of new initiatives to further support and speed up the adoption of the Linux operating system across the enterprise. These include two new Power Systems Linux Centers, as well as plans to extend support for Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) technology to its Power Systems portfolio of server products.

RainStor, a provider of an enterprise database for managing and analyzing historical data, says it has combined the latest data security technologies in a comprehensive product update that has the potential to rapidly increase adoption of Apache Hadoop for banks, communications providers and government agencies.

The amount of data being generated, captured and analyzed worldwide is increasing at a rate that was inconceivable a few years ago. Exciting new technologies and methodologies are evolving to address this phenomenon of science and culture creating huge new opportunities. These new technologies are also fundamentally changing the way we look at and use data. The rush to monetize "big data" makes the appeal of various "solutions" undeniable.

The objective of "old school" capacity management was to ensure that each server had enough capacity to avoid performance issues, and typically focused on trend-and-threshold techniques to accomplish this. But the rapid adoption of the cloud, and now OpenStack, means that supply and demand is much more fluid, and this form of capacity management is now obsolete. Unfortunately, many are ignoring this new reality and continuing to rely on what have quickly become the bad habits of capacity management. These old school methods and measures not only perpetuate an antiquated thought process, but they also lead to, among other problems, low utilization and density. In a world of tightening IT budgets these are problems that can't be ignored.
