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June 2015 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

What matters most in data management in 2015? There are a lot of moving parts that data managers and professionals need to attend to in today's enterprises. Databases need to be wide open and accessible to all parts of the business, but at the same time, secure and free of tampering. Unstructured forms of data—such as log data, documents, graphics, video, and social data—need to be prepared and ready for analysis in the same way structured files have been ready for years.

Nowadays, data moves well beyond the data center—as well as beyond corporate walls. The challenge is to support data as it moves from data center to cloud, from cloud to cloud, and from cloud to data center. This issue was explored in a recent survey conducted by Unisphere Research among the members of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG).

Software is "eating the world," as Marc Andreessen famously said in The Wall Street Journal. Companies such as Amazon, Netflix and Pandora have upended the retail, video, and music industries by operating, at their heart, as software-based companies. A software-defined approach to enterprise storage has begun to infiltrate the enterprise data center as well.

Numerous studies over the past few years characterize generally poor performance in the success rate of business intelligence projects. Now is the time to move business intelligence practices into the 21st century, or risk a continued cycle of overspending and underperformance. Here are five new strategies to improve alignment between unique problem characteristics and specific strengths.

If a data center fails, so could the business. It is hardly surprising then, to see the results of a recent survey which named the top management issue as availability. To allay this concern, and to meet customer expectations of an always-available data center, operators are deploying technologies that marry availability with optimized efficiency. Central to this outcome are database and software integrations.
