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June 2017

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Trends and Applications

The days of looking at your data in the rearview mirror are coming to an end. Most organizations now realize that if they want to make better decisions faster, they need to understand and respond to what is happening in real time. Such an ability to analyze data at the "speed of thought" requires figuring out how to build a high-performance and effective streaming pipeline that is both affordable and scalable, and is also easy to implement and manage.

There are two types of businesses in the world today: those that run on data and those that will run on data. Data security now sits at the top of nearly every organization's priority list. But with such a high volume of data coming into most businesses every day, how can information security professionals quickly identify which data is the highest priority for protection? After all, security costs time and money, and not all types of data are as sensitive or vulnerable as others.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Updating fact rows inside a star schema set of tables is never a best practice. Even so, some organizations travel down this path.

Columns - DBA Corner

When a failure occurs, the DBA must ascertain whether recovery is required. It is possible, though not very likely for active databases, that a failure does not impact the integrity of your data. Assuming that recovery is required, the DBA will need to determine what resources (backup copies and log files) are available and how best to perform the needed database recovery.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Often, when working with technical people, they get excited over the latest and greatest piece of software or hardware. They try and get their management excited, but it seems as if their management just doesn't "get" how good it is.

Columns - My View

In the last few years, a frequent topic of conversation within some of the largest corporations in the world has been the move to the cloud—how to prepare for it, how to address it, and how to benefit from it. Yet over the past several months, some are also talking about a more ambitious goal: to be cloud-only by 2025.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Resources used to be expensive. Resources used to be scarce. Resources used to take a long time to provision. As such, it made sense to put resource consumption at the top of the list when talking about database performance. Those days are gone. With more than 80% of databases running in virtual environments, where hardware is more commoditized every day, access to physical resources—CPU, memory, network, and disk—whenever needed is much easier. In fact, Moore's Law predicts that technology advancements will double every 2 years. Well, most physical resources are certainly on pace with that, or better.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

Although Java and JavaScript are the most popular all around programming languages today, the C programming language remains the language of choice for high performance computing after almost 45 years of mainstream use. However, where runtime performance considerations are paramount, Go and Rust are emerging as valid successors to C.

MV Community

After recently attending the Zumapalooza conference, Kore's Keith Lambert, vice president of marketing and business development, says the company is seeing more interest in real-time integrations with MultiValue products. "Moving data to the cloud and hosting was a central theme, along with data security," Lambert said. "Extending and modernizing MultiValue applications, and finding other technology partners was important to visitors."

Ongroup's MVON# Netbuilder now runs SB+ (System Builder) applications in .NET, also allowing users to launch applications within a browser user interface. While this browser user interface is written for those with existing SB+ or Netbuilder applications, organizations that have written their own application development tools in MV BASIC can use MVON# to turn their tools into .NET with SQL Server development tools.

Celebrity Title Company is an independent full service title insurance agency offering title insurance policies and related real estate closing services on residential and commercial transactions. After researching several reporting and data analysis solutions, Celebrity Title chose Entrinsik Informer to transform its business.

New England Water Heater is a plumbing services company specializing in water heater repair and installation based in North Waltham, MA. The company provides a centralized service through a network of geographically dispersed plumbing companies in the surrounding region, including its own company, Home Services of New England (HSNE) Plumbing. As a longtime Revelation Software customer, NEWH uses a system on Revelation's OpenInsight 9.4 for business processes such as document management, phone calls, and customer support.
