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June 2018

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Trends and Applications

The unprecedented volumes of data now pouring forth from virtualization technologies and cloud-based infrastructure have taxed traditional storage architectures beyond their limits. Organizations want to store their data in an efficient and affordable way that is also flexible. Software-defined storage (SDS) meets these criteria and, therefore, is enjoying a surge in adoption.

It's spring-cleaning season, meaning many diligent homeowners are busy trying to organize their closets and homes in preparation for the spring and summer. Organizations, both small and large, also must keep up with cleaning their virtual dust bunnies on a regular basis, just as one would do within their own home.

Since the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in May 2018, organizations have  hopefully already emerged from the strategy phase and are now well into implementation. However, the nuances of GDPR are something most of us are still trying to comprehend—and we probably won't truly understand all of it for a while. In the hustle to reach compliance, errors will likely have been made. In the process of GDPR planning and execution, there are four key areas that companies need to be wary of. If not managed carefully, they can slow down the process of achieving, and maintaining, compliance goals.

NVMe quickly gained a foothold in the client space as the storage interface of choice for higher end desktops, laptops, and even phones. In the enterprise space NVMe has been used as a direct-attached storage (DAS) option, where storage is accessed through a PCIe interface on the CPU within the server. The advent of NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF) promises to expand the utility of NVMe in the datacenter beyond just a DAS replacement, which will push the demand for flash storage even higher.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Under usual circumstances, the one-to-many or many-to-many relationship, alone, drives the pattern used within the database model. Certainly, the logical database model should represent the proper business semantics of the situation. But on the physical side, there may exist extenuating circumstances that would cause a data modeler to consider including an associative table construct for a one-to-many relationship.

Columns - DBA Corner

With all of the data breaches and accusations of improper data usage in the news these days, the question of who owns data looms large. Understanding who owns which data is a complex question that can't be answered quickly or easily.

Columns - Quest IOUG Database & Technology Insights

Whether you're an Oracle system or database administrator, an IT manager, or executive, or even just an end user or customer, security should be as important to you as almost anything else. We all hear about breaches in the news all too often. From the executive level to the end customer, none of us want to be anywhere near such a breach.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

If you've used Azure in the past, you probably know that there are two main ways to deploy SQL Server on Microsoft's cloud—Azure SQL Database, the PaaS offering; and Azure VMs running SQL Server. Microsoft is now offering a third deployment option in preview which provides full SQL Server engine capability, including SQL Agent, along with native VNet support.

Columns - Next-Gen Data Management

Our data capture and retention requirements continue to grow at a very fast rate, which brings new entrants in the SQL and NoSQL market all the time. However, not all data is created equal. Companies recognize that disparate data can and should be treated differently. That means the way we persist that data can be extremely varied. Now, enter applications that need to access all that data across a very heterogeneous landscape, and we get to the point where we're reinventing the data access wheel every time someone needs to spin up another application or introduce another data source.

Columns - Emerging Technologies

It may seem strange to see MongoDB expanding the very features of the relational databases that it originally rejected. In the last few releases, we've seen implementation of joins, strict schemas, and now ACID transactions. However, what this indicates is that MongoDB is increasingly contending for serious enterprise database workloads: MongoDB is expanding the scope of its ambitions.

MV Community

Kore Technologies, a provider of enterprise integration and eCommerce solutions, is releasing version 4.5 of Kourier Integrator Data Management, further enhancing cloud capabilities. Users will see new benefits for Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. The update provides enhanced functionality and higher performance when doing integration and data warehousing with Microsoft SQL Server in the cloud.
