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March 2015

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Trends and Applications

It looks like 2015 will be an important year for big data and many other technologies such as HTAP and in-memory computing. Many businesses have gone from investigation to experimentation to actual implementation. With installations coming online, and more to come in 2015 and beyond, big data will become more efficient and more customer-focused. Essentially, what many saw as hype will now turn into real implementations.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology allows users to engage with large, relational datasets in a map format. GIS adds another dimension of understanding to traditional databases through its emphasis on location. This technology significantly enhances business intelligence in three key ways.

Columns - Applications Insight

Until recently, mention of Alan Turing outside of computer science circles would fail to generate any recognition. In recent months, however, the British technology pioneer has been brought into the public eye following the release of the film, "The Imitation Game." The film itself is a combination of Turing's personal biography and an account of his pivotal work cracking the German Enigma cipher machine during World War II.

Columns - Database Elaborations

In information services, providing a solution that removes a user's pain can be a great boost to one's psyche. Being the hero, wins trust, and may even enhance job security. However, organizationally, too many sideline heroics create chaos. The day after the crisis has passed, things are left in a less than wonderful state.

Columns - DBA Corner

One of the trickiest aspects of relational database management can be dealing with missing information. The standard method of representing missing information is to set the "value" to null.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

IT Employers Must Adapt to the Looming DBA Shortage

MV Community

Rocket Software, a global software development firm, has released UniData 8.1, which represents the largest release in terms of number of enhanced features in 10 years to the MultiValue database management system. UniData's innovative features help organizations in hundreds of industries improve their ability to manage massive amounts of data by delivering fast response times.
