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March 2021

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Trends and Applications

The Internet of Things (IoT) is all around us—from baby monitors and home security cameras to smart vehicles, smart power grids, and even the emergence of smart cities. In recent years, the IoT has, and continues to transform how we, as individuals, live and work.

Every enterprise strives for a more competitive position by applying a data-driven approach. At the same time, the gatekeepers to the data—the IT teams in charge of managing data access—are being tasked by the privacy and governance teams to ensure legal compliance.

Cars all have steering wheels, brake and gas pedals, doors, and engines. These characteristics are what combine to create a pattern. Because of this pattern every auto manufacturer can invest more substantially into the realm of innovation—what makes their car different or better. Similar to automobiles, this is a goal of software patterns, to embrace innovation and reap the benefits of reuse.

The first step to defending against both privileged credential hijacking and insider threats is using role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC enables companies to grant privileges that are absolutely needed, and only for a specific time. However, not all RBAC is created equal and it's imperative to take security to the next level with functional access control (FAC).

To be successful, business users need clarity into data definitions, synonyms, business attributes and usage to develop quality data intelligence. As a result, a data catalog must enable business users to understand and leverage data as an asset. By tracking data lineage to understand data's origins and transformations, businesses provide an audit trail throughout the data's lifecycle.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Dashboard users doing unsophisticated, largely repetitive, operational reports and analyses ask their IT support personnel to provide data in a simple way; they demand fast performance from their queries; and they demand new functionality be provided quickly. While often not stated explicitly, the "simple" data presentation implies several characteristics.

Columns - DBA Corner

There are many new and intriguing possibilities for analytics that require an investment in learning and new technology. But the return on the investment can be sizable in terms of gaining insight into your business, and in better servicing your customers.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

In 2020, we endured the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on health and life, and we also saw  multitudes of businesses and organizations collapse. One of those casualties was PASS, also known as the Professional Association for SQL Server.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

It's hard to overstate the impact WiredTiger technology has had on MongoDB. When MongoDB announced its storage engine API in 2014, the WiredTiger team immediately saw the opportunity and raced to provide the best solution. The rest, as they say, is history.

MV Community

Avalara, Inc. a provider of cloud-based tax compliance automation for businesses of all sizes, is adding new certified integrations to its platform including MultiValue support. These integrations include 10 newly certified integrations with accounting, ERP, ecommerce, point-of-sale, mobile commerce, and CRM software applications, in addition to adding 22 new marketplace customers utilizing Avalara tax technology solutions.

It's been 5 years and Royal Papers is still going strong after switching to a Pick Cloud MultiValue system. Royal's MultiValue application is mission-critical and the lifeblood of its business. It handles inventory control, accounts payable, and receivables (and more) and is used for everything except payroll. If it is disrupted in any way, or down for any long period of time, it would be catastrophic.
