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May 2014 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Big Fragmented Data: Making Sense of Fragmented Search

Fast decision-making depends on real-time data movement that allows businesses to gather data from multiple locations into Hadoop as well as conventional data warehouses. Unfortunately, traditional ETL tools use slow data-scraping techniques that put a heavy load on operational systems and cannot meet the low latency required by many businesses.

In his hard-hitting presentation on big data at Data Summit, Rick Smolan, a Time, Life, and National Geographic photographer, and author of the book, "The Human Face of Big Data," described big data as "the development of a nervous system for the planet," and shared insights about the current impact as well as the potential for the future - of everything that can be measured being measured.

Henry Olson, director of product management, Embarcadero Technologies, tackled the cultural, technical and methodology gaps between the worlds of data architecture and agile development the challenge of retaining the benefit of data architecture and data modeling in the agile world in a lively presentation at DBTA's Data Summit in NYC that drew numerous follow-on questions from attendees.
