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May 2014

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Trends and Applications

MongoDB's Kelly Stirman and Cloudera's Yuri Bukhan recently talked with DBTA about the companies' new partnership and what it will mean for the big data ecosystem in the future. There is a need to demistify big data, they say, so that organizations can understand what technologies are right for their individual needs.

It's an inevitable fact that every software system will have problems, but an enterprise-grade Hadoop infrastructure puts minimizing and managing these system errors at the forefront. When considering a distribution's dependability, you should evaluate a Hadoop distribution's position in five foundational necessities.

The Internet of Things is resulting in more customer data at executives' fingertips than ever before. In 2009, there were 2.5 billion things connected to the internet, creating data. That number will explode to 30 billion things by 2020. So how can businesses harness the power of all that customer data being generated by this new networked reality to create insights that help build lifelong customer relationships? And how can they keep from being overwhelmed by all that noise?

At an event in NYC, Oracle president Mark Hurd and EVP John Fowler unveiled Solaris 11.2, which represents an evolution from operating system to a complete platform, they said. The phenomena of cloud and engineered systems are driven by the same requirement, which is the need to transfer work from the IT budget to the R&D budget to make things work more efficiently, observed Hurd, who asked, "Who really wants to glue an operating system to a server?"

Columns - Applications Insight

The "Internet of Things" (IoT) is shifting from aspirational buzzword to a concrete and lucrative market. New-generation computing devices require new types of operating systems and networks. While many have been initially based on some variation of the Linux OS and connect using existing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless protocols, new operating systems and networking protocols are emerging.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Finding the means to harmonize conflicting processing requirements is where a design comes alive. When done well, providing symmetry to a suite of processes greatly empowers those who develop and maintain those processes; changes and enhancement arise seemingly in the blink of an eye. In ETL, there are three key principles to driving exceptional design.

Columns - DBA Corner

Recursive SQL can be very elegant and efficient. However, because of the difficulty developers can have understanding recursion, it is sometimes thought of as "too inefficient to use frequently." But, if you have a business need to walk or explode hierarchies in your database, recursive SQL will likely be your most efficient option.

MV Community

Supporting a ‘develop once, deploy anywhere' approach, BlueFinity International has launched Evoke, a new product that provides developers with a toolset for all application delivery platforms.

Entrinsik, developer of Informer agile operational reporting and business intelligence software, has formed a partnership with SugarCRM, provider of customer relationship management (CRM) solution. Delivered with pre-configured mappings and sample reports, Informer software provides real-time reporting, data analysis and interactive dashboards to extend the value of customers' SugarCRM systems.
