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May 2015 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

Today, it's not enough for companies to collect as much data as possible in the hope of gleaning insight. Much of this information is useless and only serves to bog down corporate networks. Instead, companies need to focus on data integration and the ability to make the right data available to the right users, regardless of origin or platform. Here are 6 technologies to improve data integration.

At Data Summit 2015 in New York City, Tony Shan, chief architect, Wipro, gave a talk on the key components of a successful big data methodology and shared lessons learned from real world big data implementations. According to Shan, there is an 8-step process for a big data framework with specific techniques and methods.

The end of life date for Windows Server 2003 is July 14, 2015. While the latest version of the operating system is now 10 years old, as of last summer more than 22 million servers around the world were still running production applications. Within the next few weeks, millions of enterprise IT professionals will be forced to decide if they are going to migrate off the OS or secure a custom support contract with Microsoft to manage the end-of-life OS.

OpenStack turns five this year, and the project has come a long way in its short life so far. Last year brought major improvements in areas such as upgradeability between versions and overall usability, which upped the appeal of OpenStack to enterprises while also netting important backers such as HP (acquired private cloud vendor and one-time OpenStack competitor Eucalyptus) and VMware (OpenStack was a recurring theme at VMworld 2014).
