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November 2015

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Trends and Applications

The DBA's role is becoming increasingly complex and now often involves managing data both on premise and in the cloud, and in a variety of database management systems including not only traditional relational systems such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and others, but also new open source and NoSQL technologies, according to Gerardo Dada, vice president of product marketing, at SolarWinds.

Each year at Oracle OpenWorld, new products are introduced and existing ones updated during keynotes and presentations. Along the way, top executives make observations about how IT is changing overall and at customer deployments. This year, the impact of cloud is being felt strongly.

Unlocking the Power of the Data Lake with Security in Mind

Columns - Applications Insight

Almost every commercial endeavor and, indeed, almost every human undertaking, has software at its core. Yet, with software at the core of so much of our society, it's surprising to realize it's getting harder and harder to actually make a living selling software. In his recent book, "The Software Paradox," Stephen O'Grady - co-founder of analyst firm RedMonk - provides a cohesive and persuasive analysis of what those of us in the software business have been experiencing for several years - it's getting increasingly difficult to generate revenues selling "shrink-wrapped" software.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Many neophyte data modelers have trouble distinguishing between logical and physical data models. These novices likely cannot explain why each model exists, or the differences expressed between them. Sadly, such confusion also exists in the realm of the experienced data modeler. Not to say an experienced data modeler can't express the difference between a logical and a physical data model; but across a group of experienced data modelers one would not get a consistent answer.

Columns - DBA Corner

There are many different ways to look at database administration. It can be done by task, by discipline, by DBMS, by server, and so on. But one useful way to look at database administration is in terms of the type of support being delivered to applications. You can paint a broad brush stroke across the duties of the DBA and divide them into two categories: those that support development work and those that support the production systems.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

The PASS Summit 2015, the largest conference in the Microsoft SQL Server world, was held in October in Seattle, WA. The event provided a look at key initiatives that Microsoft's SQL Server group has been working on and a glimpse of what's ahead for the future.
