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November 2017

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Trends and Applications

The staid relational database has been under attack from all quarters—it's too inflexible, it's too siloed, it's too slow for today's real-time requirements. However, relational databases still power many of the most critical data environments across enterprises—both core legacy systems as well as new-age systems of engagement. In today's enterprises, then, the question becomes: How are new technologies—especially the cloud and NoSQL databases—affecting relational database adoption?

Real-time data delivery represents the next frontier of intelligent enterprises, and there is great potential value in the ability to immediately sense and respond to opportunities and threats. At the same time, enterprises are encumbered by existing or legacy technologies and methodologies that may add latency to their data-delivery efforts. What will a real-time enterprise look like?

According to our friends at Quest International Users Group, in parallel with its discussions about cloud applications, Oracle delivered many OpenWorld presentations and announcements about cloud platforms and infrastructure.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Leadership in IT can be very dynamic.  At one time or another it seems anyone may be impressed into a leadership role. The data people (DBAs, data architects, data modelers), often end up considered as unofficial leaders (largely because they are the smarter ones on the team). A leader, whether official or unofficial, has some responsibilities.

Columns - DBA Corner

One of the prevailing conversations around database systems lately revolves around ACID support. But not everybody knows what is meant by the term ACID. Oh, perhaps they know that it involves how data integrity is maintained or that it impacts locking. And, at a high level many folks know that relational/SQL systems support ACID whereas that is not always the case for NoSQL database systems.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

At this year's Microsoft Ignite, a variety of executives made a host of announcements that are important and relevant to data professionals. It is worth noting that there were actually four areas of focused innovation discussed at the keynote level: enabling IT and developer productivity, providing a consistent hybrid cloud, unlocking intelligent solutions (read: AI), and ensuring trust through security, privacy, and cost controls.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

MongoDB Files for IPO and Reveals Its Official Strategy for Success

MV Community

Entrinsik Inc., developer of Informer, is being recognized for its self-service, embedded BI, and ease of use. The company received top rankings in the BI Survey 17, the world‘s largest and most comprehensive survey of business intelligence end users, for these areas.

World Wide Land Transfer recently selected Entrinsik Informer to better streamline its analytic capabilities.WWLT tapped Entrinsik, developer of the Informer reporting and business intelligence platform, for more advanced analytics capabilities against GreenFolders and other application data.

Clarke Transport recently switched to jBASE to power its transport management system. After hiring a series of new developers, Clarke Transport decided to move to jBASE for its native architecture, which is easier for programmers without MultiValue knowledge to master.
