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November 2018

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Trends and Applications

While AI and machine learning cannot—yet—turn back time, cognitive technologies can analyze data in ways that were previously unattainable. Manual modeling on past failure patterns executed by "data scientists" is nothing new, but data analysis performed by AI-powered platforms builds cognitive learning which not only can learn from past failure patterns but more importantly learn to detect issues not known or seen before.

There's no easy answer to the dilemma of infrastructure decline. But the obvious response, to attack the problems in piecemeal fashion, clearly doesn't work. That's what organizations have been doing all along: bringing in faster processors, adding databases, deploying more clouds. These may offer temporary relief, but eventually they'll just add to data complexity and congestion.

In this new world where data is the coin of the realm, the winners will be enterprises who can quickly and effectively harness data—the right data—to reduce risk, improve business outcomes, and create new value for their customers, employees and other stakeholders. As they work to realize this goal, enterprises are increasingly finding that activating copy, backup, archived and other data located on secondary storage can be just as, if not more, useful for driving digital transformation as the production and original data located on their primary storage.

Columns - Database Elaborations

While relational database management systems are still the workaday workhorse, we are now adding into the mix document, columnar, and graph datastores, and their variants. Each datastore has something at which it excels, and other things it may not.  Similarly, the rules followed in composing data structures, based on the platforms selected, also vary greatly.

Columns - DBA Corner

Before the end of the decade, the number of connected objects is projected to expand greatly. According to several different analysts,  the number of connected objects by 2020 could be as low as 26 billion or as high as 50 billion. But even the low end of that range is quite large. Indeed, connectedness is becoming commonplace and accepted across a wide spectrum of services and applications.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

It's been a while since MongoDB has felt threatened by another document database vendor. Historically, the closest contender for document database dominance was Couchbase, the offspring of the original CouchDB database, which arguably ignited the document database segment.

MV Community

With the help of Zumasys, Encompass Supply Chain Solutions, Inc. successfully migrated its ERP system to jBASE. The company also migrated its infrastructure from a co-location facility to the Zumasys cloud, now owned and operated by NexusTek. The move has helped Encompass eliminate costly downtime and streamline development for the company's primary business applications.

With the ever-changing business landscape, many companies that rely on MultiValue platforms are looking for ways to integrate existing systems with new technologies - and specifically, figuring out how to leverage the capabilities of the cloud. Organizations often find themselves torn between the platforms they've built their critical business applications on and user demands for modern, intuitive interfaces that provide anytime, anywhere access to web and mobile applications.

Rocket Software is entering a definitive agreement for Bain Capital Private Equity to acquire a majority stake in the company. The enterprise value of the transaction is approximately $2 billion. Rocket Software will continue to operate under its current management team, led by President and Chief Executive Officer Andy Youniss.
