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November 2023

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Columns - Database Elaborations

The original intention of surrogate keys across multidimensional database designs was to help optimize joins by keeping all keys, used for joining between facts and dimensions, both numeric and single-columned. Often such surrogates were generated as simple sequential numbers, 1, 2, 3…. Early versions of many relational database products had sub-optimal performance when joining data together via character strings—especially large quantities of data.

Columns - DBA Corner

An age-old question when it comes to staffing a DBA group is how to determine the right number of DBAs required to keep your organization's databases online and operating efficiently. Many organizations try to operate with the minimal number of DBAs that they can. The general idea here is that the fewer staff members you hire, the lower overall cost will be. However, that assumption is probably not entirely true. An overworked DBA staff can make mistakes that cause downtime and operational problems far in excess of the salary requirements of an additional DBA.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

I can't remember the first time a database or storage vendor told me, "Disk is cheap," but it was probably in the 1990s.  Vendors like to say disk is cheap because it helps them sell more of it and to encourage bigger deployments. The fact is that data storage is getting cheaper all the time. When I entered the business, one GB of storage cost about $1000. Today, it's more like 10 cents—10,000 times less!

MV Community

Entrinsik is announcing the launch of Informer AI, a game-changing solution that promises to revolutionize how users interact with Informer by leveraging artificial intelligence. According to the company, utilizing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, Informer AI automates tasks, simplifies workflows, and offers real-time analytics and trend analysis.
