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October 2013

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Trends and Applications

Cloud computing is no longer hype; it is the reality today for most organizations because of the numerous benefits that it brings. There are three main deployment models for cloud computing—private cloud, public cloud, and a hybrid mix of the two. Here is a look at the risks and disadvantages with each of the cloud deployment models.

Constantly changing tax rules can make payroll deductions and tax payments a time-consuming and costly endeavor for businesses. To get this onerous job done efficiently and cost-effectively, many utilize payroll software specialists that provide tools to support their in-house staff. Read how Revelation Software's OpenInsight and OpenInsight for Web are giving Ardbrook, a Dublin, Ireland-based software provider of payroll software, the agility it needs.

Modern marketers are increasingly targeting their efforts at providing the right information to the right customer at just the right moment. These marketers see the ability to provide relevant content to clients and prospective customers as a way of building their brand awareness and forging lasting relationships. However, according to a new survey, sponsored by Skyword, Inc., and conducted by Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc., there are obstacles in the path to achieving the full effect of these efforts.

Columns - Notes on NoSQL

Security for NoSQL continues to evolve rapidly in order to attract wider enterprise adoption. Robust security is a must-have for any database in the enterprise, and over the decades since the emergence of the relational model, security and authentication capabilities have continually improved. The first new-generation non-relational "NoSQL" databases, like the early relational databases, had very simplistic security mechanisms. Here is how security for NoSQL is changing.

Columns - Database Elaborations

How does one avoid the semantically wishy-washy use of NULL-surrogates and instead, actually design structures wherein NULLs are not necessary?

Columns - DBA Corner

A successful DBA must understand application development and the issues involved in programming and design. Here are some things that every DBA must know about application development and the design projects of their organization.

Columns - SQL Server Drill Down

With the upcoming release of SQL Server 2014 (SQL2014), Microsoft is making advancements in the area of mission-critical performance. Microsoft wants to stake out this ground not only as performance enhancements in the relational engine, but also in terms of features which support better data availability, performance, security, and data integration. Here's what SQL2014 will do for you in those key areas.

MV Community

Revelation Software has completely redesigned its website, using the Joomla content management system. "The nice thing is that our O4W and our SQL connector are tightly connected with the Joomla site as well. The underlying database in Joomla is MySQL and, using our SQL Connector, we are able connect to the MySQL database and integrate it into our own OpenInsight database as well," Robert Catalano, director of sales at Revelation Software, explained in an interview.

Rocket Software is seeking customers to participate in its mobile enablement early program and provide feedback and direction on these efforts. Customers should be running UniVerse or UniData in their company and have a need to add mobile applications to their solutions.
