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September 2015 - UPDATE

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Trends and Applications

10 Ways In-Memory Databases are Helping Enterprises Get Ahead

Traditional data warehousing models and open source alternatives such as Apache Hadoop and Storm have been touted as solutions to a variety of "big data" challenges. However, utilities have found that these approaches cannot handle the scale and complexity of data generated in industrial environments. Additionally, they fail to provide the real-time analysis and situational awareness that utilities need to improve decision making or address critical events in real-time, such as optimizing crews during outages and severe weather events.

There are various terms being bandied about that describe the new world data centers are entering—from the "third platform" to the "digital enterprise" to the "always-on" organization. Whatever the terminology, it's clear there is a monumental shift underway. Business and IT leaders alike are rethinking their approaches to technology, rethinking their roles in managing this technology, and, ultimately, rethinking their businesses. The underlying technologies supporting this movement—social, mobile, data analytics, and cloud—are also causing IT leaders to rethink the way in which database systems are being developed and deployed.

To SQL Server 2012 and Beyond - What to Know Before You Upgrade
