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September 2015

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Trends and Applications

The Eight Things That Matter Most in Data Management Now

Marketers continue to become more technologically astute as their roles evolve, but one tool remains under-utilized: data management platforms. These platforms provide numerous ways for marketers to slice and dice data to develop compelling ways to reach customers, often in real time. However, when used incorrectly, these platforms can push marketing campaigns off-course - which is why marketers must get smart on what the platforms are designed to do and how to use them most effectively.

To help companies get more value from big data, SAP has introduced HANA Vora, a new in-memory computing engine that leverages and extends the Apache Spark execution framework to provide enriched, interactive analytics on Hadoop. HANA Vora is a completely new product built from the ground up and is aimed at better processing of data to make business decisions.

With predictive and prescriptive analytics beginning to gain traction in B2B markets, CIOs are faced with the ever-present build-versus-buy decision. Yet, building the in-house expertise to tackle advanced analytics is a very costly, time-consuming and risky endeavor. When considering SaaS solutions, one of the primary concerns for any CIO should be data security since advanced analytics solutions will require the use of company data.

MongoDB announced plans to offer support for MongoDB's products on IBM z Systems mainframe. The announcement comes as IBM launches LinuxONE, a new portfolio of hardware, software and services solutions based on the z Systems mainframe that's designed for enterprise-grade Linux applications.

Columns - Database Elaborations

Data modelers face a choice when encountering multiple variations of a data item. Designers must focus on the longer term appropriateness of their decisions when choosing how their designs will play out; and going vertical or horizontal does have an impact over time.

Columns - DBA Corner

Whenever I get into a discussion about database standards I invariably bring up one of my favorite quotes on the topic: "The best thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from." It shouldn't be true, but it is.

MV Community

Kore Technologies has announced the release of version 5.4 KommerceServer eCommerce Suite. KommerceServer eCommerce Suite includes a storefront, customer portal, and mobile edition, and is engineered to integrate with any back office ERP system (e.g., Epicor Eclipse, Prelude, Infor LN and more). This release benefits both the customer and the e-commerce administrator.

Revelation Software is preparing for the introduction of OpenInsight 10, the most significant release since Revelation took OpenInsight into the 32-bit world. To provide information to its user base in advance of the new release, Revelation has announced a Revelation Users Group (RUG) meeting in the EMEA region.

Entrinsik has announced a partnership with Ticomix to help companies enhance their customer relationships and improve business results. This partnership will offer Ticomix customers the ability to integrate Informer with SugarCRM to provide organizations with the ability to perform multidimensional reporting and advanced data analysis in order to better track, understand and manage their SugarCRM data with Informer.
