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September 2021

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Trends and Applications

When it comes to the debate concerning the pros and cons of both all-in-one platforms and best-of-breed systems, there was some contention in the past over which solution reigned supreme. However, in today's modern technological landscape where businesses across industries have completely revamped the way they structure and utilize their IT products and needs, this is no longer the case.

A solid data protection strategy is required for optimum knowledge management that safeguards critical company content. Recognizing that today more than ever, an organization's data can always be threatened by cybercrime, lost by accident, or damaged through natural disasters, off-site data protection becomes an indispensable component of every enterprise's data protection strategy.

Document-oriented databases are one of the fastest growing categories of NoSQL databases, and the primary reason is the flexibility of schema or logic design. Document databases make it easier for developers to store and query data in a database by using the same document-model format they use in their application code. The flexible, semi-structured, and hierarchical nature of documents and document databases allows them to evolve with applications' needs.

A multi-cloud approach can provide a number of benefits including avoiding vendor lock-in, optimizing cost performance, and increasing reliability by distributing resources in the event of an IT disaster. These advantages have many organizations racing to adopt multi-cloud as the solution to their infrastructure needs. However, an unsuccessful transition can cost businesses significant time, resources, and money. Moving to multi-cloud requires deep planning and knowledge of each ecosystem to ensure a smooth transition.

Last year, organizations around the world, across all industries, were forced to leverage new technologies on multiple fronts to accommodate a new normal. The adoption of AI and machine learning saw exponential growth to bring about the changes needed to keep up with the shift to remote working. AI and ML technologies found their way into everything from advanced medical diagnostic systems to quantum computing systems, and from virtual assistants to smart homes. According to Algorithmia's 2021 Enterprise Trends in Machine Learning report, 50% of enterprises plan to spend more on AI and ML in 2021, with 20% saying they will be significantly increasing their budgets.

Columns - Database Elaborations

It is entertaining to be in a room filled with people all claiming that they love data. What becomes more entertaining is discovering how each one views data uniquely and enjoys doing different things with or to that data. The data community has become one that is far more diverse than many realize.

Columns - DBA Corner

Designing and implementing a proper database for application development is a complex and time-consuming task. The choices made during database and application design will impact the usefulness of the final, delivered application. One of the most important design considerations is the impact of database locking on concurrent processes.

Columns - MongoDB Matters

It's been 3 years since MongoDB 4.0 was announced at the 2018 MongoDB World conference—and that is a long time in the software industry.

MV Community

With more data than ever being created, making the right choices among the myriad options for data management and analytics is a top priority for many organizations. To help them progress along their data-driven journeys, each year, DBTA presents the Readers' Choice Awards which provides the opportunity to recognize com­panies whose products have been selected by the experts—our readers.

Revelation Software's latest release of OpenInsight, version 10.1, has changes, new functionality, and improved performance throughout the product. DBTA recently held a webinar with Bob Carten, senior developer, Revelation Software and Bryan Shumsky, senior developer, Revelation Software, who discussed some of these improvements, including a new Database Tool panel, a brand new Examples application, new REST functionality, updated help and support documents, and more.

Zumasys announced it has purchased the assets of PRO:MAN Software and Northwest Information Systems, Inc., two pioneering software companies founded in the 1980s. By integrating business applications with the underlying database platforms it owns, Zumasys unlocks powerful new features that ultimately allow the applications to be offered in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud-based computing model.
