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Who to See @ Oracle OpenWorld 2018

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Trends and Applications

2018 is an exciting year for Oracle OpenWorld, with as much change in the event format as there is in the technology. The Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) will be well represented in the Content Catalog, as over 20 members are scheduled to present on the hot topics for data professionals.

Quest Oracle Community (formerly Quest International Users Group) just rebranded and launched a fully redesigned digital experience to better meet customer needs amidst the rapidly changing landscape of business technology and Oracle solutions. Quest offers Oracle users a wealth of resources through webinars, blogs, customer stories and more, along with support from a community of users with similar interests.

The Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG) is committed to the education, networking, and advocacy of Oracle Applications users. Each year during Oracle OpenWorld, the group hosts special interest group (SIG) meetings as well as additional opportunities for networking and education. 
