The ability to quickly act on information to solve problems or create value has long been the goal of many businesses. However, it was until recently when new technologies emerged that the speed and scalability requirements of real-time analytics could be addressed both technically and cost-effectively by organizations on a large scale. Today, close to half of DBTA subscribers are seeking real-time data capabilities to support a wide range of use cases, from more timely dashboards and reports, to fraud detection and IoT edge decision engines.

To educate IT and business stakeholders about the key capabilities for succeeding with real-time analytics today, DBTA is hosting a special roundtable webinar on December 9th. Reserve your seat today!
Register now to attend the webinar Key Capabilities for Real-Time Analytics Today.
Don't miss this live event on Thursday, December 9th, 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET.
Anais Dotis-Georgiou Developer Advocate InfluxData |
Rob Hedgpeth Director, Developer Relations MariaDB |
Stephen Faig Research Director Unisphere Research and DBTA |