New Database Technologies and Strategies for the AI Era

New Database Technologies and
Strategies for the AI Era

It's no secret that enterprises are accelerating their AI plans this year, and modernizing data infrastructure to support new use cases is a top priority. IT leaders are looking towards the cloud with new databases and data platforms, architecture patterns, and tools to consider. Success in the AI arena depends on many factors – from data gathering and storage to data privacy and security. AI has cast a bigger spotlight on the importance of data governance and data quality. It has also upped the demand for greater speed, scalability, and flexibility in how data is processed, stored, and accessed.

In the database world, enterprises have a wide variety of choices when it comes to supporting AI projects – graph, vector, time series, relational, in-memory, document, key-value, multi-model, cloud-native, and the list continues to grow. Likewise, the practice of data management is currently full of new challenges and opportunities – both impacting and being impacted by AI and automation.


To help IT leaders and data management professionals navigate the latest technologies and strategies paving the way in the AI era, DBTA is hosting a special roundtable webinar on May 30th. Reserve your seat today!

Register Now to attend the webinar New Database Technologies and Strategies for the AI Era. Don't miss this live event on Thursday, May 30th, 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET.

headshot headshot headshot image image
John de Saint Phalle
Principal Product Manager
Francois Protopapa
Principal Solutions Architect
Michael O'Donnell
Senior Analyst
Quest Software
Torsten Steinbach
VP Chief Arch Analytic/AI
Stephen Faig
Research Director
Unisphere Research and DBTA
