Going Cloud-Native: Top Trends in Data Management and DevOps

Going Cloud-Native: Top Trends in
Data Management and DevOps

Enabling agility, scalability, and resilience in the cloud requires applications that can fully leverage the advantages of cloud computing architectures. As a result, cloud-native apps continue to grow in popularity – offering organizations the ability to innovate faster, deliver services more efficiently, and respond quicker to market changes.

Cloud-native apps also require new technologies and practices to build and operate effectively. From designing and managing data in a highly-distributed microservices architecture to orchestrating containers and implementing CI/CD pipelines, cloud-native apps have specific needs that traditional data management and development approaches do not adequately support. Addressing these challenges requires new tools and strategies as well as cultural changes to ensure greater collaboration between dev and ops teams and alignment with business objectives.

To dive into the top trends in data management and DevOps that are helping leading organizations succeed with cloud-native applications today, DBTA is hosting a special roundtable webinar on August 8th.

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Register Now to attend the webinar Going Cloud-Native: Top Trends in Data Management and DevOps. Don't miss this live event on Thursday, August 8th, 11:00 AM PT / 2:00 PM ET.

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